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1 Response to Upload new posts

  1. cferguson says:

    “Come on, James! Don’t be a chicken.” Peter started to do a clucking sound and moved his arms up and down like some mad, demented chicken.
    “No! You know mum said not to go near that house. She said bad things have happened in there.”
    “Don’t be daft. All mums say that stuff. No one’s lived there in years. It will be an adventure, James. We might even find some gold coins and become millionaires,” Peter boasted. James pondered this for a while and changed his mind at the thought of becoming rich. Reluctantly he joined Peter in the front garden and the two boys crept up to the front door. The door was ajar and Peter pushed it further open. They silently walked inside…

    After that, both of them went in and saw blood on the walls and floor. They both started to go deeper in the house when suddenly, the door closed and it wouldn’t open again. Horrified, they ran upstairs and looked for a way to get out. But, all the windows were stuck. So they went down to the basement to look for some tools but they couldn’t find any. Next, they went to the kitchen to find something to get out with. They found a hammer and desperately, they smashed open one of the windows downstairs. Suddenly the house started to scream as though it was in pain.

    As quickly as they could, the children climbed out of the broken window and escaped. They never went there again.

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