Craig and Marc final final final

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26 Responses to Craig and Marc final final final

  1. hrigg says:

    Wonderful almer,

    Please complete your final sentence:

    You made me….

    Then sign off your letter.

  2. almer says:

    Hello miss rigg ,

    I made the letter with 3 slides so it is on the next page.

  3. almer says:

    Thank you miss Rigg. You are MY ⭐️ to

  4. almer says:

    Thank you miss Rigg. You are MY ⭐️ too. 🙂

  5. almer says:

    Sorry I repeated that. I had a spelling mistake

  6. almer says:

    In the letter I had some mistakes, so can you change them

    • hrigg says:

      Don’t worry, I’ll proof it! Next time, proof it a few times too (because I can’t edit your actual post)

  7. almer says:

    Oh ok that’s fine

  8. almer says:

    Hello miss Rigg

    Just wanted to see if you are good. Also are they going to reply

    • hrigg says:

      I’m good thank you – I will reply properly after the holidays. Are you all good? I’m going to compile the letters into one document to send after Easter. If anyone hasn’t written a letter yet, please do it! 🙂

  9. almer says:

    Ok thank you for telling me and I hope you stay good in this HORRIBLE holiday

    • hrigg says:

      Awwww are you having a horrible time? I’m staying good – lots of reading and FaceTiming family etc. Please make sure you’re doing some nice things. 🙂

  10. almer says:

    Yes I am

  11. almer says:

    Thank you

  12. hrigg says:

    Your letter is lovely. I can’t find an email address online for Marc and Craig (because I think they’re too famous), but I am making some calls and will ask around until I get it to them. I’m sure they will love it, but please leave this with me for now.

  13. almer says:

    Hi miss Rigg ,

    It’s ok if I have to wait so long . I don’t mind. But can you tell me If I should do the blog about WE day.

  14. almer says:

    Sorry to disturb you miss but s it possible if I do a blog about my role models



  15. bekkk says:

    Hi guys! I haven’t seen you in a long time. I’m really sad…

  16. saemm says:


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