How to protect yourself from the corona

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6 Responses to How to protect yourself from the corona

  1. hrigg says:

    Hi everyone,

    Thanks altan for writing this. Excellent advice. Just a few pointers for the WE club:

    1) I’ve realised I can’t edit your blog posts once you’ve published this (I can only approve them). Please, therefore, be extra vigilant with your editing and proofing before you press publish as you’ve all got a few SPAG errors.

    2) To prevent spreading the virus, we need to stay more than 3ft apart (1 metre) from others.

    Top tips to help remember – Do the five:

    1) Hands – wash them often
    2) Elbow – cough into it
    3) Face – don’t touch it
    4) Feet – stay more than 3 ft apart
    5) Feel sick – stay at home.

    Thanks again altan.

    Take care all and speak soon,

    Ms Rigg

  2. turkt says:

    Okay miss

  3. mohsa says:

    Hello Noor, well done on this amazing blog you wrote. Some advice, proof read for spelling and punctuation errors. Other than that, this is a perfect piece of writing.

    Kind regards,

    Abbas (Year 6 Danube)

  4. mohsa says:

    Hello Noor, well done on this amazing blog you wrote. Some advice, proof read for spelling and punctuation errors. Other than that, this is a perfect piece of writing.

    Kind regards,
    Abbas (Year 6 Danube)

  5. hrigg says:

    Thanks Noor (and thanks Abbas for your feedback!)

  6. altan says:

    Thank you everone for your amazing comments

    Kind regards

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