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22 Responses to Riddle

  1. merzs says:

    OH NUMBER 2 IS fridge the first thing you open is a fridge am I right the first is I think their called north south and east let me now

    • hrigg says:

      Good guess with fridge, but it’s not fridge (this riddle is a bit annoying to be honest…I will reveal the answer in a few days time). They’re not called North South and East – sorry!

  2. merzl says:

    hello miss rigg,
    can you please give me a clue about the second riddle because i am getting a bit confusing in the second riddle.
    from Layth

  3. alia1 says:

    Hi Miss Rigg, is the answer for riddle 2 your eyes?

  4. toa says:

    Number one is what because it says What is the fourth sons name? It also does not have a question mark at the end of it!
    Hi Miss Rigg.

  5. toa says:

    I think number two is legs.

  6. toa says:

    My other answer is yourself!

  7. toa says:

    The second one is the electronic device you are on?! I know it’s wrong!

  8. toa says:

    Nothing! It says you are sleeping!

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