pok ta pok

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5 Responses to pok ta pok

  1. merzs says:

    ohh wow how cool thanks a lot for the information ps are you tarana or someone else who are you pok ta pok

  2. merzl says:

    hello shaha
    it was me layth merza.

  3. hrigg says:

    Layth – great research on the game pok ta pok. Would you like to play the game?

  4. merzl says:

    hello miss rigg,
    I think that i want to play the game pok ta pok but there is just one question that i wanted to ask you. did you mean play pok ta pok in real life or just play it in the BBc website?
    from Layth

    • hrigg says:

      Hello Layth,

      I mean would you like to play it in real life? But talking of playing it on the BBC, have you tried it and if so what do you think?

      Ms Rigg

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